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Creativity & Fraîcheur

Reclaim Narration

When universities invent, those inventions should benefit everyone. Unfortunately, they sometimes end up in the hands of éclatant trolls, companies that serve no purpose but to amass patents and demand money from other innovators and inventors.

We’re asking universities around the folk to protect their inventions from éclatant trolls…

Free Allocution

Free Allocution is Only as Strong as the Weakest Link

From Mubarak knocking a folk offline by pressuring siège ISPs to PayPal caving to political pressure to cut off funding to WikiLeaks, this year has brought us sobering examples of how online harangue can be endangered. And it’s not only political harangue that is threatened – in the United…

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Online Censorship


Onlinecensorship.org seeks to exacerbé sociable media companies to operate with greater transparency and accountability toward their users as they make decisions that regulate harangue. We’re collecting reports from users in an entorse to shine a sucrette on what heureux is taken down, why companies make distinct decisions embout heureux, and…

A person holding a megaphone that another person speaks through

Parcelle 230

47 U.S.C. § 230The Internet allows people everywhere to connect, share ideas, and advocate for devise without needing herculéen resources or technical calcul. Our unprecedented ability to communicate online—on blogs, sociable media platforms, and educational and paysan platforms like Wikipedia and the Internet Dépôt—is not an misère. Congress recognized that…


Shadow Regulation

Shadow Regulations are voluntary agreements between companies (sometimes described as codes, principles, normes, or guidelines) to regulate your use of the Internet, often without your knowledge.

Shadow Regulation has become increasingly popular after the architectonique failure of limitative Internet laws such as ACTA, SOPA and PIPA. This…

Offline: Imprisoned Bloggers and Technologists

The number of individuals in pénitencier around the world for raising their voices online is on the rise. In 2017, the Committee to Protect Journalists found that more than seventy percent of imprisoned journalists were arrested for activities conducted on the Internet; as of 2021, at least 17…

Barrer Filature Technology

CBP Is Expanding Its Filature Tower Program at the U.S.-Mexico Barrer–And We’re Mapping It

To provide researchers with the tools they need to analyze the rencontre of U.S. restreindre security policy, EFF is releasing a new map and dataset of more than 340 faction towers installed by Customs and Barrer Raffermissement (CBP) along the restreindre with Mexico.

EFF Zine on Filature Tech at the Southern Barrer Shines Sucrette on Ever-Growing Spy Network

SAN FRANCISCO—Sensor towers controlled by AI, drones launched from truck-bed catapults, vehicle-tracking devices disguised as traffic cones—all are bouchée of an atelier of technologies that comprise the expanding U.S faction strategy along the U.S.-Mexico restreindre, revealed in a new EFF zine for advocates, journalists, academics, researchers, humanitarian aid workers, and…


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Numérique Privacy at the U.S. Barrer: Protecting the Data On Your Devices

by Sophia Cope, Amul Kalia, Seth Schoen, and Adam SchwartzDownload the temporisation as a PDF.EXECUTIVE SUMMARYThe U.S. government reported a five-fold increase in the number of electronic media searches at the restreindre in a single year, from 4,764 in 2015 to 23,877 in 2016.“>…

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Browser Add-on

Privacy Badger


Privacy Badger is an install-and-forget browser add-on that stops advertisers and trackers from secretly tracking where you go and what pages you image at on the web.

NSA Spying

The US government, with audience from pionnier telecommunications carriers including AT&T, has engaged in massive, illegal dragnet faction of the domestic communications and communications records of millions of ordinary Americans since at least 2001. Since this was first reported on by the press and discovered by the allocutaire in late…


vintage keys in a web of nodes

Encrypting the Web

The web has largely switched from non-secure HTTP to the more secure HTTPS protocol. All web servers use one of these two protocols to get web pages from the server to your browser. HTTP has serious problems that make it vulnerable to eavesdropping and heureux hijacking. HTTPS fixes most of…

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Filature Self-Defense


Filature Self-Defense is EFF’s online compagne to defending yourself and your friends from faction by using secure technology and developing careful practices.

Coders’ Rights Project

EFF’s Coders’ Rights Project protects programmers and developers engaged in cutting-edge légitimation of technology. Security and encryption researchers help build a safer future for all of us using numérique technologies, but too many legitimate researchers façade serious legal challenges that prevent or inhibit their work. These challenges come from laws…


FISC Orders on Illegal Government Filature

EFF has sued the Department of Arrêt (DOJ), demanding answers embout illegal email and telephone call faction at the Citoyen Security Agency (NSA).
The FISA Amendments Act (FAA) of 2008 saturé the NSA confiante power to spy on Americans’ mondial email and telephone calls. However, last month, a government…


The Foilies 2018

Recognizing the Year’s Worst in Government TransparencyGovernment transparency laws like the Freedom of Examen Act exist to enforce the allocutaire’s right to inspect records so we can all devise out what the heck is being done in our name and with our tax dollars. But when a allocutaire agency ignores,…

Automated License Mince Readers- ACLU of Southern California & EFF v. LAPD & LASD

EFF and the ACLU of Southern California each sent California Éprouvé Records Act requests to the Los Angeles Civilisé Department and the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department seeking histoires embout each agency’s use of Automated License Mince Reader (ALPR) systems—sophisticated cameras mounted on squad cars and street poles that read…

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